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ParticipantI totally agree with you but unfortunately some people do you need something to cope that’s the whole point something to cope in the moment because he can be A matter of someone losing their mind at that moment and literally flipping out but some people don’t relate to that because they’ve never felt those feelings and so it’s easy for them to say that you can do it with something else or you should do this or that but unfortunately those feelings are really real and some people and they’re very intense and overwhelming and so some people while trying to figure out how to heal their body and cope they need to use something or they literally will flip out and I have to say that none of us really know what’s going to work that’s why I think it’s great that we can all keep talking and exchanging tips and try what other people of tried because we may find that magic solution for ourselves because I’ve been working really hard at this and spending every dime in selling my home and everything I’ve owned I’ve even removed my breast implants entirely that I had I’ve travelled all over the country and try different protocols I’ve done everything because I’m determined to get better and sometimes it’s just really hard to fix your body . I love chiropractic care I’ve had to use it on a regular basis since I was 10 years old during my first injury and I’m now 44 so I’ve been using it well over 30 years but I can say that it’s never help to me with anxiety or panic or anything mental per se but I have recently found this amazing neurologist who does amazing work on the brain sacral cranial therapy and he’s the best I’ve ever seen do this and I really feel this is going to help me tons in that area and also I recently started learning and doing Qigong And I think something amazing is going to come through with that and I’ve heard some amazing stories of people who have done it consistently and giving it a long amount of time like a year or two years and just seen amazing results of her people that I’ve met personally say that their lupus want to way over there rheumatoid arthritis one away and I’ve heard some other amazing story so it’s surging and experimenting and never giving up! and I think something amazing is going to come through with that and I’ve heard some amazing stories of people who have done it consistently and giving it a long amount of time like a year two years and just seen amazing results of her people that I’ve met personally say that their lupus want to way over there rheumatoid arthritis one away and I’ve heard some other amazing story so it’s surging and experimenting and never giving up !
But definitely all the basics and the things that people wrote in the adrenal fatigue solution rest diet stress management things like that or key foundational factor that has to be done that is a mustDecember 23, 2017 at 11:47 am in reply to: Recovering from Stage 4 & Weaning off of the steroids! #13892HelpMeWeanOffSteroids3
ParticipantAnnabel does the book and tips also possible apply to those of us weaning off steroids do you know? Any suggestions from dr Eric or Fawne Hansen for those weaning? And on steroids? Unfortunately some of us were not Very educatedin the beginning and were put on steroids even though we were not properly tested and so I’m wondering if the book and suggestions can also help people on steroids and if they have any doctors in the United States or wherever that they know of have a lot of experience at weaning patients off or even a book out there anything ?? Thank you!!!!
December 23, 2017 at 11:42 am in reply to: Recovering from Stage 4 & Weaning off of the steroids! #13891HelpMeWeanOffSteroids3
ParticipantAnnabel you mentioned a supplement that is good for blood sugar specifically mentioned blood sugar spikes however do you know if it’s also good for “hypo” glycemic? I find that those of us with low or no cortisol who are unfortunately on steroids that it is low blood sugar I mostly deal with not high because we are trying to wean off or just low in general
Does this Gymnema Sylvestre work at keeping blood sugar up?December 23, 2017 at 11:09 am in reply to: Recovering from Stage 4 & Weaning off of the steroids! #13890HelpMeWeanOffSteroids3
ParticipantBeetlybug im trying to respond to you, hope you are doing well please let us know.
December 23, 2017 at 11:06 am in reply to: Recovering from Stage 4 & Weaning off of the steroids! #13889HelpMeWeanOffSteroids3
ParticipantGrammar errors above
I should probably proof read my post as I am speaking into the phone and not typing so what I meant to say is we can even email but somehow it put can’t
We can!December 23, 2017 at 11:05 am in reply to: Recovering from Stage 4 & Weaning off of the steroids! #13888HelpMeWeanOffSteroids3
ParticipantHi again
I am hoping to get In touch with you and we can’t even exchange email addresses if that’s OK with you and I think the lady in charge of this website said it was OK? Or whoever responded to me in an email question I had asked if it was OK and I believe they said it was or they could help us exchange emails so I’m a little new to forums and blogs and technology but I would love to find out how you’re doing because we haven’t heard from you since May and that concerns me a bit but I just found this website and for him and I was really interested and excited to read your post. or whoever responded to me in an email question I had asked if it was OK and I believe they said it was or they could help us exchange emails so I’m a little new to forums and blogs and technology but I would love to find out how you’re doing because we haven’t heard from you since May and that concerns me a bit but I just found this website and for him and I was really interested and excited to read your post Thank you so muchHelpMeWeanOffSteroids3
ParticipantWhen I’ve learned through 10 gruelling years of this is that none of us truly know what our individual bodies are capable of and neither does the medical profession 100 percent because it’s always evolving and all of us are so different and unique we do not know how our bodies our glands and endocrine system are going to bounce back the only unfortunate thing that we can do is experiment and try and that is honestly all that you can do is to try it and see how much you can tolerate and hope for the best
When I’ve learned through 10 gruelling years of this is that none of us truly know what our individual bodies are capable of and neither does the medical profession 100 percent because it’s always evolving and all of us are so different and unique we do not know how our bodies our glands and endocrine system are going to bounce back the only unfortunate thing that we can do his experiment and try and that is honestly all that you can do is to try it and see how much you can tolerate and hope for the best
I know it sounds like a depressing answer but nothing is easy
Going off and saying Zaidi an antidepressant medications can be difficult but if you win really slow and I found honestly that a little bit of children’s chewable Benadryl helps me just a little bit it takes the edge off and I try to only use it when needed so I don’t become tolerant to it and also high doses of magnesium I use and I am not a doctor so I’m not prescribing and you may have to experiment with some other natural things out there but you have to go slow and try them one at a time and see what works with your body chemistry but unfortunately it’s not an exact science so you have to be patient and you have to be determined
Going off and saying Zaidi an antidepressant medications can be difficult but if you win really slow and I found honestly that a little bit of children’s chewable Benadryl helps me just a little bit it takes the edge off and I try to only use it when needed so I don’t become tolerant to it and also high doses of magnesium I use and I am not a doctor so I’m not prescribing and you may have to experiment with some other natural things out there but you have to go slow and try them one at a time and see what works with your body chemistry but unfortunately it’s not an exact science so you have to be patient and you have to be determined
And sometimes you may just need to switch antidepressants and try something new
Best of luck to youDecember 23, 2017 at 10:58 am in reply to: adrenal fatigue causing anxiety or anxiety causing fatigue! #13886HelpMeWeanOffSteroids3
ParticipantI don’t with severe vertigo myself and I can tell you that the tinnitus can cause the vertigo you might still have some residual from the virus in your inner ear and not realize it
The lightheadedness all of that can still be caused from the virus you had and that virus is a stress on the body which can weekend the adrenals and make you feel tired
I think we are just used to getting over things quickly when we were kids but it doesn’t always work like that as we get older
Anxiety and stress obviously can make you feel lightheaded and all of those symptoms and the only thing you can do is just try to be patient and keep incorporating what you know to be right which is sleeping well and when you have stress find a way to get away from it and close your eyes and try to relax and do meditation and unfortunately that’s all we can do aside from taking a strong medication to just dope us out
The only other advice I can give to people as a human being who has gone through it not as a doctor of course is to refrain from going on steroids no matter how natural or Bio-identical Compounded Steroids the cause they ruined my life and just be thankful you’re not on those because honestly they helped me for the first few months but then all of a sudden they give me all the side effects and now I can’t get off of them but being on them is just as much a nightmare
Find a way to relax do these lifestyle changes and stay away from steroids and sometimes you just have to be patient and realize they could take a couple of years for your body to completely repair that is not going to happen overnight
Best of luck and God blessDecember 21, 2017 at 9:12 pm in reply to: Recovering from Stage 4 & Weaning off of the steroids! #13881HelpMeWeanOffSteroids3
ParticipantI have been desperate to find people that have done it and get help because it just seems like none of the doctors out there want to help or suggest many ideas and so I was wondering if you could tell me who your doctor is and where he’s located and also where there any other meds or things to assist with side effects like nausea and Pain and is the only way that you balanced I’m assuming the hypoglycemia since I know it’s usually hypoglycemia that we struggle with not high blood sugar but did you only control it by eating every two hours and also did you have anything to help if you had severe anxiety or panic and by chance have you had any dizziness or arrhythmias or some type of dysautonomia orthostatic intolerance and if so is there anything else that you have taken other than Hydro Cortizone to deal with those symptoms like maybe fludrocortisone?? pain and is the only way that you balanced I’m assuming the hypoglycemia since I know it’s usually hypoglycemia that we struggle with not high blood sugar but did you only control it by eating every two hours and also did you have anything to help if you had severe anxiety or panic and by chance have you had any dizziness or arrhythmias or some type of dysautonomia orthostatic intolerance and if so is there anything else that you have taken other than Hydro Cortizone to deal with those symptoms like maybe fludrocortisone??? Also did he have you tried any glandular‘s or rhodiola? Ashwagandha? Ginseng? Etc
Amino acid peptides?
Thank you thank you so much for telling us about your journey so many people are looking for people like you -