Forum Replies Created
ParticipantWhisper. I personally have had good success with aptogens and other natural based products. You do have to find what works for you and it takes time. My cortisol is normal at noon and evening but crashes around 3 a.m. and is way low in the morning. It’s been improving and I’ve been able to obtain mostly undisturbed sleep finally. For me I’m watching what I eat for dinner and how close to bed time. I’m finding carbs like brown rice or any kind of potatoe for dinner to be a culprit. I still monitor other things throughout the day and look for patterns. Adrenal fatigue is just not easy to deal with. It takes some work, a lot of time and a lot of experimenting to find what works for you. It helps when you have a good doctor or two which I am blessed to have. I have good indepth conversations with them and they are like friends. Based on my personal experience, natural is the way to go.
ParticipantHelpingMeWeanOffSteroids. I understand what you’re saying. I get that. The good news is there are natural, drugless products that can help with that instead of medication. For example, I take as needed a product called Li-Zyme Forte which is 150mcg of plant based Lithium produced by Biotics Research Corp. It’s used for metal stress, anxiety and depression. They have other products also that help with that. I like the Li-Zyme Forte because it puts me to a nice even keel and a comfortable relaxed state and not a drugged, lethargic, cloud nine state. i.e. no side effects. Helps me sleep sound too.
Everyone is different. Some things will work for one and not the other. We are so individually unique and sometimes we have to find what works for us even though we are getting help. I think we can agree on that. I always want to encourage and help others. If they can benefit from my experiences, than way cool.
You got the right attitude kid. Keep your head high.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year.J.T.
ParticipantLiz. Hang in there kid. I understand what you’re saying. I get that. I’ve been dealing with it for 4 years and three times gave myself setbacks. That so sucks. I’m just now getting back to par. Unfortunately it’s a long road but you will get there.
What has helped me is a Chiropractor who is into health and wellness and he has been a God send. My first appointment he nailed all my issues and told me why. (You’re under a lot of stress, you’re not eating enough, you’re not sleeping right, have you suffered a major loss or lost a loved one.?) I told him I had just lost my wife to cancer last year (which was in 2013) after a over seven year battle. He said (Ohhh! as in Bingo!) He looked me in the eyes and said “Don’t worry, we’ll get you back to par. It’ll take some time but we’ll get you back to your old self.”
He diagnosed me with Adrenal Fatigue and Hypothyroid. He also told me my thyroid was near red line it was that low.I’ve had to so alter my life style and that’s o.k. But when I had my Chiropractor tell me that if I had any commitments to get out of them and another doctor (MD who practices natural health and wellness) tell me if I didn’t slow down my body would shut down. That was the sign that I was over doing it. It’s a long story what caused it because it was multiple things over a long period of time.
It seams you are on supplements and not medication. That’s a good thing!
Eat whole foods, grass fed/organic meats, no sugar, no coffee, no processed/fast foods, no negative people in your life, learn to say no, no gluten, stay away from stressful situation and people, eat healthy fats and only light exercise. Learn to listen to your body. You’ll get there.
Take it one day at a time. You will get better.J.T.
ParticipantI forgot. Setback recovery will very depending on the extreme cause. It took me 6 months to recover from moving the car and 4 months from the safe. Both very heavy requiring a lot of energy.
ParticipantJust be very careful when you exercise. Ask me how I know. I have had to totally alter my work outs by toning it down a lot. I’m a weight lifter and used to do P-90X, warm up with 250 lbs. on the bench press, curl 60 lbs. dumbbells, doing 10 reps on all, and work out for about an hour. Well, that has all changed significantly. I work out for only 20-30 minutes with long rest periods between reps not to mention having reduced the amount of weight I lift. I listen to my body when It’s telling me I’m over doing it. I used to work out every other day. Now, maybe once to twice a week allowing for longer recovery and making sure I’m not feeling any set backs.
I gave myself 3 adrenal setbacks. One from working out to heavy. Second from having to push a car my friend couldn’t move. And third, by helping move a friend to his new house which required moving a gun safe up a flight of stairs. (That so sucked)Stress, heavy physical exertion, stimulants (sugar, coffee) will all give you setbacks. FYI. It’s been 1-1/2 years since I quit coffee.
Just take it easy, listen to your body. Adrenal fatigue is a long road to recovery. Tone it down and take it easy. You will get there.
ParticipantAntidepressants only mask symptoms. Dr. Caroline Leaf is a Neuroscientist and has studied the brain for several years. I heard her speak and she simply put it. “Antidepressants don’t work.” And she went on in detail why. I can vouch because I’ve been there. They help for a short while then they fail. When I asked my doctor will this fix me. All he said. was, “It wont fix it but it will help you deal with the problem.” Some doctor.
I got results from a Chiropractor who is into Health and wellness. You may want to consider looking for the same in your area. Based on my experience, I highly recommend it. They do pretty much the same as Adrenal Solution. They are all on the same page.