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ParticipantI have had the middle of the night low blood sugar wake me up as well. I’d wake up in a sweet feeling like I’m being electrocuted so I feel everyone’s pain on this board.
My Dr./Naturopath suggested some protein about an hour before bed: Hard boiled egg, piece or 2 or turkey bacon.
I also find that CBD oil (non THC legal cannabis oil) can help as well.
ParticipantFirst off, Accrington kudos to you for reaching out on behalf of your wife. My spouse was instrumental in my recovery and I think the biggest things you can do for her are a) be patient b) remind her how strong she is and c) don’t take it personally. The imbalance in my system made me moody and irritable in a way that was so incongruous with my personality. Adrenal Fatigue can be a real drag on the whole family. Make sure you are taking care of yourself too. Take care and good luck!
ParticipantDear John,
I was exactly like you. Annabel is right, what goes up, must come down.
But, there are some natural ways you can alleviate the symptoms.
I’ve found that 30 minutes of YOGA NIDRA a day can refresh better than a 2 hour nap. You don’t need a mat or a studio, you can find the practice on you tube or in an app. It’s essentially yogic sleep.
To get you energy going, try some Khundalini breathing like ” breath of fire” this oxygenates your blood naturally. There’s many of these techniques out there. Qui Gong is another really helpful practice. It;s facster than Thai Chi and you can do it anywhere. You can find these all online.
The stimulants have to go my friend, it’s the only way you get better. But, these are practices that can help you be healthy for life. You will get better. Listen to your body. Take care and good luck!
ParticipantJust click on the title:)
ParticipantHey Guys,
I wrote a blog about my experience with Adrenal Fatigue. I hope it helps.
I am with you. I was super active and then gained 15 lbs as a result of AF. My integrative Dr. recommended Ketosis for weightloss. She also said that it would help regulate my blood sugar. There are Ketone strips you can get at whole foods to test of you are in a fat burning stage. It’s basically high protein no carb. I just started it.
Buddy, I WAS you. We have a very similar story. ” I’m fighting myself to act normal.” That was me. I had to ask myself how could “fighting myself” every really serve me. Your body is sending you a very clear message. It doesn’t want to fight. The hardest lesson to learn in AF is to surrender. I know missing work is so tough and stressful and will hurt your wallet, but you HAVE TO listen to your body and trust that things will be ok. Don’t fight. Be gentle to yourself. The universe whispers,and then it yells and then is body slams. Make sure you listen. You’re not alone. I hope this helps.
ParticipantWow! Great article Ben!
ParticipantHonestly, I think the Licorice and Ginseng weren’t aggressive enough treatments.I would suggest everyone get a second opinion. I wish I had sooner, What really helped me with my hormones, moods and overall feelings of wellness was when a new Integrative Dr. put me on PREGNENLONE 100mg. This made me feel like a human being again and I think stabilised my hormone levels. I also did a full food allergy panel which I would highly recommend to everyone with Adrenal Fatigue or gut issues because it showed that I have developed a ton of food allergies. For example, I am now highly allergic to dairy, wheat, yeast, chocolate and tomatoes. I was eating these food everyday, so you can imagine how much better I felt when I eliminated them.
I also get a B12 shot every week.
In Sept I was at like a 20% battery life and it took a lot of time and work on myself but I am happy to say that I feel like I’m around 70% and getting stronger each week.
ParticipantThank you! I stopped taking it a few weeks ago.
ParticipantThis is very helpful. I have had many “low” episodes in the last two months and could not figure out why. SO, Why does eating carbs make us crash? My Dr. told to me to have a high protein breakfast and a good carb dinner w/ some protein.