In this section you can find a collection of longer articles written by Fawne on stress, adrenal fatigue, and other related topics. There are also a few links to related sites and companies where you can find relevant testing for cortisol levels or other metrics. If you have any suggestions for content to be added to this page, let us know!
Articles On Other Subjects
Faith Can Improve Mental Health and Reduce Stress
Food Allergies 101
Anatomy Of The Respiratory System
Parenting & Stress: Developing Your Own Coping Strategies
Caregiver Stress: Remembering To Take Care Of Yourself
Police Stress: Identifying & Managing Symptoms Of Stress
Coping With Stress When A Child Has Chronic Illness Or Disability
Other Web Resources
If you want to test your cortisol or DHEA levels using saliva, you can order the tests from the website of John R. Lee, M.D. The website offers an affordable Adrenal Stress Profile that measures cortisol at four points during the day as well as DHEA. You provide your saliva samples in the convenience of your home and then send the samples in a prepaid mailer to the laboratory for testing. You can also have your samples tested for other hormones, including the sex hormones. To learn more and to order tests, go to