If your energy levels are low and you’ve been suffering from chronic stress, you need to make sure that the food you eat is as nutritious as possible. Doing this will give your body all the tools that it needs to recover and recuperate. The best way to do this is to use as many highly-nutritious ingredients in your foods as possible.
Seaweed is a great example. The many different seaweeds are rich in minerals and phytonutrients that you might not be getting from the rest of your diet. This simple salad combines Wakame seaweed with a healthy fats like avocado, which helps your body to absorb as many of those precious nutrients as possible.

- 2 cups baby spinach or rocket
- ½ cup dried wakame
- 1 ripe avocado
- Half a cucumber
- Sesame seeds
- Lemon juice
- Salt and pepper
Rehydrate the wakame in lukewarm water with 2 tbsp of cider vinegar in for 10 minutes until glossy and swelled.
Arrange spinach on a plate.
Drain the wakame.
Top to spinach with the wakame, avocado and cucumber.
Dress with fresh lemon juice, sesame seeds and salt and pepper to taste.
Preparing nutritious meals with the right ingredients is extremely important when you have adrenal fatigue. My Adrenal Fatigue Recipe Book contains more than 50 energy-boosting recipes that are guaranteed to improve your health. It’s included in The Recipes Package.
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