There are numerous options for those of us looking to reduce stress. Yoga, walking and deep breathing exercises are among some of the most well-known. As it turns out, scientists have discovered that relief might be closer than you think: at the end of your arm to be exact! Research has shown that holding hands […]
50 Health Experts Share Their Favorite Stress-Busting Tips
Have you ever wondered how the experts cope with stress themselves? I did too, and that’s why I’ve spent the last couple of months contacting experts from all areas of health and wellness, asking them for their personal, unique perspectives on stress management. This page contains contributions from 50 experts, including MDs, psychologists, naturopaths, nutritionists, […]
Meditation: A Useful Tool for Relieving Stress
The term meditation can refer to a number of practices that use mental techniques to promote numerous physical and emotional benefits. Meditation involves engaging in contemplation or reflection as a mental exercise in order to relax or gain a higher level of spiritual awareness. Usually meditation is practiced in a quiet place, but some types […]
Chronic Stress and Diabetes: A New Link
As you might have seen on my 17 Reasons To Avoid Stress infographic, scientific research has connected a large number of diseases and conditions to chronic stress. Several previous studies have shown a link between chronic stress and diabetes, but now a new study has demonstrated this link even more clearly. Recently, the University of […]
How Does Stress Affect Your Immune System?
Are you constantly struck down by colds, flu and other infections – no matter how well you look after yourself? If yes, then perhaps your stress levels are to blame. Getting sick after a stressful event isn’t just a coincidence. Your brain and immune system are in constant communication with one another, which means that […]
How Does Stress Affect Your Long Term Health?
We’ve all heard someone say “Don’t sweat the small stuff”, a common mantra for those of us trying to relax, be less anxious or deal with the problematic situations that regularly confront us in life. When given as advice, it’s a way of telling people to look at problems objectively and determine which issues really […]
How To Recognize The Positive And Negative Influences On Your Life
Many attempts at self-improvement can fall flat due to the various influences in our lives. If you’re ready to make changes to your life, reduce stress and recover from adrenal fatigue, one of the first steps is addressing those influences, which can be either good or bad. The best way to begin is by increasing […]
Why You Should Schedule Some ‘Me Time’ Every Day
Most people in our culture feel the need to be going all the time. If we are not working and putting our energy into something, we believe we are wasting time. We may feel taking time for ourselves is a waste and won’t accomplish anything. And to some extent it’s true – relentlessly pushing yourself […]
How To Beat Stress With Meditation and Deep Breathing
Stress is an inevitable part of life. It’s hard wired into our brains as a protective mechanism. In the past, it helped us to avoid the threats and dangers of predators out to eat us. Even though these threats have (largely) disappeared, the stress response has stayed on. Today, we experience stress mainly from work, […]
Relieve Anxiety With Exercises Like Walking and Yoga
The physical benefits of exercise are well known, but many people still find it challenging to adopt and stick to a regular fitness routine. One of the most common reasons we give for not exercising is the stress of daily life. After a long day of dealing with work, kids or school, often the last […]