How long have you been suffering from adrenal fatigue? Have you reached the point where you would do anything to find a solution to your health issues?
If you’re like many adrenal fatigue sufferers, a large chunk of your paycheck gets spent on supplements and medical professionals. But all this time and money often doesn’t yield the right results. If you are still unable to understand why you feel constantly drained and tired, it might be time for a change of strategy.
You can save myself a whole bunch of stress (and money) if you find a supportive practitioner who really gets to the root cause of your issues. Once you locate someone that understands your concerns, your battle with adrenal fatigue will suddenly become a whole lot easier.
I don’t want you to have to go through the same time-consuming, stress-inducing process that I did. So how do you find that person who‘ll help you nail your tiredness, and kick adrenal fatigue to the curb?
These are the questions you should be asking:
Do they practice what they preach?
I don’t know about you, but I’d be very reluctant to take health advice from someone who looks like they’ve had two hours sleep and is a chain smoking, junk food addict. A good practitioner doesn’t just “talk the talk” but should also lead by example. Don’t be fooled by a flashy website.
Ask if you can visit the clinic and meet the practitioner in person before committing to signing up as a patient. Most professionals worth their salt will offer free initial consultations. If not, they should at least be willing to discuss your concerns over the telephone before asking you to commit to booking an appointment.
Can you relate to them on a personal level?
Opening up to strangers about your personal health history isn’t always easy. For this reason, its super important you feel able to talk freely about any issues that concern you.
Avoid practitioners who have poor listening skills, who are judgmental, or who are easily distracted. They won’t inspire confidence in you as a patient, and you will struggle to work together.
If you feel you’re just not on the same wavelength, don’t waste your time; you probably haven’t found the right practitioner for you.
Are they good communicators?
When you first embark on a new health regime, you’re bound to have questions.
Does the clinician provide clear instructions about supplements, eating plans or any other aspects of the wellness program you’re expected to follow? Can they be contacted in-between appointments if difficulties arise? Are you able to schedule a telephone / Skype appointment with them if you can’t attend the clinic? Are their fees clear?
Good practitioners will make sure that you’re comfortable with all aspects of your therapy and that you fully understand their advice. If you’re confused about expectations, are overwhelmed by information, or are unable to contact the practitioner when you most need them, it’s probably a sign they’re not the best person for the job.
Do they have a good reputation?
Nowadays, with the wonders of technology, this is pretty simple to check out. Contact the relevant professional organization and enquire if the practitioner is a member. Online referrals can easily be obtained from forums or by asking people in Facebook or Google+ groups.
Another key indicator is to check if the practice is busy. Do they have a waiting list? How much experience do they have with your particular health concern?
It may also be worth asking if they offer additional services that may help with your individual complaint. For example, do they offer stress management sessions or acupuncture for anxiety? The more the practice speaks to you, the more successful your treatment is likely to be.
If finding a practitioner isn’t within your budget right now, I do have one final suggestion up my sleeve that will get you started on your road to recovery today.
The Adrenal Fatigue Solution contains everything I wish I’d known when I first started out on my journey. It’s the information that a qualified practitioner will understand and want to share. I highly recommend you check out this resource. Knowledge is power, and when you do eventually find the perfect practitioner for you, you’ll be armed with all the tools you need to get the most from your session.
I have adrenal fatigue if not worse, along with other physical health challenges and complex PTSD. I only have one adrenal gland and 1 kidney. In this state it is mainstream western medical doctors control most of everything. These are the ones that have treated my symptoms with prescriptions only and not got to the root cause of anything. They have made my health so much worse I am 45 on disability with a masters degree, certified Grant Writer and Fundraiser, owned 3 successful businesses, worked in diverse area’s of non profit world and the corporate world. I want to go back to work and enjoy a quality life with my daughter and granddaughter. However, I have not been able to find the right healthcare professionals (integrative, alternative, CAM, functional) that work together to get to the root cause and to help me heal from my Complex PTSD.
It should not be this hard in America to get the right personal healthcare. I am willing to relocate. Can you please help me find the right professionals.
Thank you
Hi Tina, here is a good place to start:
I like the suggestion to check if you feel comfortable talking to your practitioner about your personal health history. That’s just beneficial all round. I assume that your treatment and check-ups will be better as well.